Individual Therapy and ADHD/ADD Consulting
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy also referred to as psychotherapy, is a joint process between the therapist and the individual seeking therapy services. During individual therapy, the therapist works with the individual to help improve quality of life. Therapy can help individuals increase their self-esteem, decrease negative thoughts and frustration, and increase self-compassion. Individual therapy goals and therapeutic modalities are tailored to the individual person. Higher Empowerment offers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Strength-based Therapy, Trauma-Focused Therapy, Multicultural Therapy and Client/Person-Centered Therapy.
Individual Therapy Fee: $175 per session |
ADHD/ADD Consulting for parents
Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder is a condition that affects executive functioning. Executive functioning is a set of mental skills that include working memory, managing emotions, organization, task initiation, monitoring, planning and prioritizing, and flexible thinking. Often when children are diagnosed with ADHD/ADD, it can cause problems in their interpersonal relationships, school work, personal hygiene, completing chores, forgetting or losing personal items, increased frustration, emotion sensitivity, and conflict with parents. Higher Empowerment offers consultations for parents that need support and guidance with helping their child or teenager navigate life. This is a separate service from individual therapy.
Consultation Fee: $100 an hour |
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Phone: 248-918-0923
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